2 Animators
For this reason   module | OnLoad   has 2 animators  -   ANIMATOR 1   and   ANIMATOR 2
We can use both animators to animate one single object if needed
In the example of the above Image we could ...
Use   ANIMATOR 1   to target the wrapper   #wb_Image1   (=the parent)
And   ANIMATOR 2   to target the wrapped   #Image1   (=the child)
With ANIMATOR 1   we can then animate the objects position
With ANIMATOR 2   we can then animate the objects dimension
see here
The structure of a Layer in itself is a   1 element   object

If we want to animate it in position we target the Layer's ID
If we want to animate it in dimension we target the Layer's ID
If we want to drag (draggable) this object we target the Layer's ID

animate position/dimension --> selector = #Layer1
The structure of an Image is a   2 element   object

If we want to animate it in position we target the   Image holder  ID
If we want to animate it in dimension we target the   Image   ID
If we want to drag image1 we target the   Image holder   ID

animate position  --> selector = #wb_Image1
animate dimension --> selector = #Image1
Selectors  are probably they most important thing to understand to get anything out of jor_aniMate
jor_aniMateMASTERPACKv3.0 in large part is jQuery based, jQuery in large part is, target an object, manipulate the target

   target an object  -  manipulate the target

That's how the section  Selectors Simplified  starts  here
But that also implies that we need to know how Webbuilder objects are structured
Cause we need to   target   the correct object, the correct target, to make   jor_aniMate   work correctly


The simple truth is ... there is no simple answer or solution to that question
What make one animation work correct can create a problem for another
But ... we can still break it down into simple structures and follow some simple rules and overcome most problems

Simple Rules:
01. some Webbuilder objects are wrapped and some objects are not
02. some animation must be applied to the wrapper and some animation need to be applied to the wrapped object

If  we now take 2 objects in Webbuilder that each sit on each side of that range, we would find a    Layer    and an    Image

Simple Structures:
01. a Layer   IS NOT   wrapped, It is positioned in absolute position on the page,  there is NO parent   #wb_Layer
02. an Image   IS   wrapped,
it is placed inside a holder that is positioned in absolute position on the page,  there IS a parent   #wb_Image
Quick List
Is the object wrapped or not, does it have a div holder with a   prefix-id   #wb_   ?
A Quick list to most of Webbuilders objects/components and there basic structure
see here

Reference Chart
A more comprehensive Reference Chart to most of Webbuilder objects/components in relation to there possible animation
see here

See also Selectors Simplified here
A Layer IS NOT wrapped, It is positioned in absolute position on the page,  there is NO parent   #wb_Layer
If we would now  target  the Layer's ID most of jor_aniMate's animation would work correct

Always Interpret the structure of the object, then target with the correct selector
Always Interpret the structure of the object, then target with the correct selector
To make an animation work is to interpret the structure of an object and then target with the correct selector
jor_aniMateMASTERPACKv3.0 is a tool first and foremost, it is not written to provide the most obvious or easiest of solutions
The opposite, It is written to provide as much possible access to our script, to create the code, project intended
Using jor_aniMateMASTERPACKv3.0 might therefore not always be straightforward in use
But with creative thinking we can overcome most obstacles and produce some powerful cross-browser web design tools
An Image IS wrapped, it is placed inside a holder that is positioned in absolute position on the page,  there IS a parent   #wb_Image
The Image object in structure is a  2 element  object, if we want to animate it we need to animate the correct element
If we want to animate it in position we need to target the Image holder, it's wrapper, our  selector  would be   #wb_Image1
If we want to animate it in dimension we need to target the Image itself, our  selector  would then be   #Image1