08 Mar 2015
00. jor_aniMateMASTERPACKv3.0 b5.5 released
01. ENHANCED : module | reposition - [responsive] - visibility default state is now false
02. ENHANCED : module | onscroll - [responsive] - visibility default state is now false (animator)
03. NEW/ENHCD : module | onscroll - [responsive] - new option - mark default breakpoint (enter)
04. ENHANCED : module | onscroll - the property enter | once now allows a count value
05. NEW : module | onscroll - new option - callback before - (+2 new internal options)
06. NEW : easy tools | prebl. - new option - callback after preblock
07. CHANGED : easy tools | prebl. - renamed pageload | callback to callback | pageload callback
08. ENHANCED : module | reposition - horizontal scrollbar repress/adjust
09. ENHANCED : module | reposition - horizontal scroll execute only if active
10. ADDITIONAL : some other minor improvements
08 Feb 2015
00. jor_aniMateMASTERPACKv3.0 b5.4 released
01. ENHANCED : easy tools | glob.onscr.dis. - new option - disable onscroll functions global
02. ENHANCED : module | onscroll - new option - global disable ignore
03. NEW : module | onscroll - complete new onscroll mode (01.animator/02.enter)
04. CHANGED : jor_aniMateLIMITER - all modules are now disabled by default (WARNING)
05. NEW : jor_aniMateLIMITER - new option - animate.css - (default CSS3 animation library)
06. NEW : module | CoreUI drag - new option - break to body - force on top
07. FIX : easy tools | devel. - iframe fix
08. FIX : module | reposition - callback after animate (multiple fix)
09. FIX : module | reposition - initial visibility fix
10. ENHANCED : JMPv3.0 initial pageload/visibility enhanced
11. NEW : 2 new online tutorials - draggable handle/basic onscroll enter
12. ADDITIONAL : redesign/cleanup online manual
13. ADDITIONAL : some other minor improvements
21 Dec 2014
00. jor_aniMateMASTERPACKv3.0 b5.3 released
01. ENHCD/FIX : module | cycle - fast event on tiles effects
02. NEW : module | cycle - new option - maintain orig. aspect - (1 mode+opt) - slideshow
03. NEW : module | reposition - new option - maintain orig. aspect - (2 mode+opt) - image
04. ENHANCED : module | reposition - new option - 3 reposition modes added - (left/top/false)
05. ENHANCED : module | reposition - new option - abide horizontal scroll - reverse
06. ENHANCED : module | reposition - new option - minimal height by callback
07. ENHANCED : module | reposition - minimal width option true/false + abide breakpoints
08. ADDED/FIX : module | roundabout - new option - integrated | item mode - (auto/manual) (WB10fix)
09. ENHANCED : module | roundabout - new option - code modification | code mode - (all/selective)
10. ENHANCED : module | roundabout - slideshow-linked mode removed - is now a single mode
11. ADDED/FIX : module | OnEvent - new option - mouse-wheel object event before callback
12. ENHANCED : module | onscroll - new option - staticT/L optional inc/dec by percentage mode
13. ENHANCED : module | parallax - almost a complete rewrite of module | parallax
14. NEW : module | parallax - new option - (object) position (left/right/center)
15. NEW : module | parallax - new option - (object) position offset
16. NEW : module | parallax - new option - (object) z-index
17. NEW : module | parallax - new option - (object) abide horizontal scroll
18. NEW : module | parallax - new option - (object+bgImage) full outer loop mode
19. CHANGED : module | parallax - property limit now overrides loop mode
20. REMOVED : module | parallax - removed option follow center
21. FIX : module | scroll - window scroll vs jQuery Tabs fix
22. NEW : easy tools | devel. - new tool - developer tool
23. ENHANCED : window alert warning for all modules that require jor_aniMateLIMITER - (excl:2DTrans)
24. NEW : 1 new online tutorial - basic parallax
25. ADDITIONAL : some other minor improvements
07 Sep 2014
00. jor_aniMateMASTERPACKv3.0 b5.2 released
01. ENHANCED : module | CoreUI - touch.punch for touch device compatibility (drag/drop/resize)
02. FIX : module | cycle - scroll fx width + wipe fx (clip vs reposition) fix
03. ENHANCED : module | cycle - abide fullscreen mode by module | reposition
04. ENHANCED : module | cycle - slideshow caption/nav(WB9) auto correct
05. ENHANCED : module | nivo - slideshow caption/nav(WB9) auto correct
06. ENHANCED : module | roundabout - slideshow border + frame/caption/nav(WB9) auto correct
07. ENHANCED : module | roundabout - tabmenu prevent wrap + background(WB9) auto correct
08. FIX : module | roundabout - tabmenu global width fix
09. FIX/ENHCD : module | reposition - break running fn. on fn. recall - (re-fix)
10. NEW : module | reposition - new option - fixed object abides horizontal scroll
11. NEW : **NEW-IMPORTANT** OPTIMIZE JMPv3.0 by disabling many individual modules
12. NEW : automatic online check for latest vs installed JMP version - for JMP tutorials
13. NEW : 2 new online tutorials
14. NEW : new full module | cycle playground demo
15. ADDITIONAL : some other minor improvements
11 May 2014
00. jor_aniMateMASTERPACKv3.0 b5.1 released
01. CHANGED : module | scroll - prop. target | window - "window" internal converts to "body"
02. CHANGED : module | scroll - renamed code mod. | preblock to preblock | run on call
03. CHANGED : module | scroll - renamed prevent | active to preblock | prevent active
04. ENHANCED : module | scroll - prop. prevent active now works on "id" and "name" (bookmark)
05. REMOVED : module | scroll - prop. prevent | save lock removed
06. NEW : module | scroll - new option - scroll animation vs mouse-wheel (break/disable)
07. NEW : module | reposition - fullwidth - minimal on true/center - optional by callback
08. NEW : module | onscroll - new option - object abides horizontal scroll
09. ENHANCED : module | onscroll - command "self" abides repositioning by - module | reposition
10. FIX : module | OnEvent - mouse-wheel fixes for IE + Chrome (body)
11. FIX : module | nivo - easing vs active pager easing
12. NEW : 3 new online tutorials
13. ADDITIONAL : some other minor improvements
12 January 2014
00. jor_aniMateMASTERPACKv3.0 b5.0 released
01. FIX : module | scroll - comp. jquery 1.9.1 - jquery scrollto 1.4.3
02. FIX : module | roundabout - comp. jquery 1.9.1 - 1.7.2/UI 1.10 - (easing fix)
03. FIX : module | roundabout - comp. jquery 1.9.1 - drag (event - threedub) + event focus
04. FIX : module | onload - comp. jquery 1.9.1 - jquery transform 0.8.0/0.9.3 (++fix)
05. FIX : module | nivo - comp. jquery 1.9.1 - on for live
06. FIX : module | parallax - comp. jquery 1.9.1 - scrolling - ua for brows.
07. CHANGED : module | cycle - slideshow anchor replaced for window.open
08. ENHANCED : module | cycle - percentage timer on event stop
09. NEW : module | cycle - cycle tiles plugin fully integrated (=tiles fx)
10. NEW : module | tubeplayer - youtube player (external control/fullscreen background/scale)
11. NEW : module | onscroll - control objects by window top scroll (left/top/fade)
12. NEW : module | reposition - callback before allowing new powerful functions
- dynamic reposition from inside callback
- new function: animate into position
13. NEW : online tutorials
14. CHANGED : secondary modules divided into 2 categories
15. ENHANCED : combined multiple external .js for better caching
16. ADDITIONAL : some other minor improvements
21 April 2013
00. jor_aniMateMASTERPACKv3.0 b4.0 released
01. CHANGED : module | cycle - jquery cycle version 3.01/2.73
02. FIX : module | cycle - autoplay OFF brakes animation duration
03. FIX : module | cycle - cover fx visibility
04. ENHANCED : module | cycle - wipe fx on event halt completion
05. ADDED : module | cycle - set + get effect (=opts currFx + newFx)
06. ENHANCED : module | cycle - manual updated info customize
07. ADDITIONAL : some other minor improvements
10 March 2013
00. jor_aniMateMASTERPACKv3.0 b3.0 released
01. CHANGED : module | parallax - background mode image removed by display
02. ENHANCED : module | preblock - background image repeat position (+ image preload)
03. REMOVED : module | onevent - removed jquery.livejquery 1.1.1
04. NEW : module | onevent - added jquery.mousewheel 3.0.6 !NEW!
05. ENHANCED : module | reposition - break running fn. on fn. recall = stop flicker occur
06. CHANGED : module | reposition - allow zero value for fullscreen (window) properties
07. NEW : module | reposition - set new left-top-width-height offset by jquery data() [+ fn.]
08. ENHANCED : module | scroll - arguments added on callback onBefore/onAfter/onAfterFirst
09. NEW : module | scroll - new option - prevent last active mark scroll (by id)
10. FIX : module | scroll - rapid events with preblock creates unpredictable behavior
11. ENHANCED : module | core ui - (drag/drop/resize) arguments added on events (e,ui)
12. FIX : event window scroll - mobile compatible if possible (=module: onevent - parallax)
13. ADDITIONAL : some other minor improvements
10 November 2012
00. jor_aniMateMASTERPACKv3.0 b2.0 released
01. ENHANCED : combined multiple external .js for better caching
02. ENHANCED : cleaned up some code
03. ADDITIONAL : some other minor improvements
28 October 2012
00. jor_aniMateMASTERPACKv3.0 b1.0 released
01. REMOVED : module | tubeplayer removed
02. CHANGED : jor_aniMateMASTERPACKv3.0 now consist of just one extension - jor_aniMateTEMPLATE
03. REWRITE : global css resizable handle rewritten and is now part of jor_aniMateTEMPLATE
04. REWRITE : global precondition loader + block rewritten and is now part of jor_aniMateTEMPLATE
05. REMOVED : global theme (cupertino) removed - resizable is now single styled
06. REWRITE : Template Set redesigned
07. NEW : module | OnLoad : new property 'autofix' transform (rotate/skew/scale/reflect)
08. NEW : module | OnEvent : new property 'run on break'
09. NEW : module | unordered list : new property 'loop input'
10. NEW : module | cycle !NEW!
11. NEW : module | nivo !NEW!
12. NEW : module | roundabout !NEW!
13. NEW : module | reposition !NEW!
14. NEW : module | scroll !NEW!
15. NEW : module | parallax (+plaxify) !NEW!
16. ADDITIONAL : many other internal improvements and additions ...
31 March 2011
00. jor_aniMateMASTERPACKv2.0 released
01. NEW : almost complete rewrite
02. NEW : now consist of only 2 plugs (jor_aniMateSETUP + jor_aniMateTEMPLATE)
03. NEW : can now act completely self-contained
04. NEW : easy interface for freestanding extension setup (novice-jorAMP_PROJECTS)
05. NEW : create iframe holders on the fly
06. NEW : create unordered lists on the fly
07. NEW : extended append functions
08. NEW : new animations: rotate, skew, scale, reflect, scrollTop, scrollLeft
09. NEW : module swf object, create .swf on the fly and control it's API
10. NEW : module tubeplayer, create a tubeplayer on the fly and control it's API
11. NEW : jorAMP_PROJECTS - jorAMP_VOLUME_1 released
24 March 2011
00. BaconFries first and final test . TNX much mate!
20 March 2010
00. jor_aniMateMASTERPACKv1.1 released
01. PERFORM. : improved page load
02. ADDED : variable input for easing effect
03. ADDED : variable input for appendTo (tags) (NOTE: reload appendTo properties!)
04. ADDED : variable input for OnLoad (local)
05. CHANGED : updated manual
06. NEW : 2nd jor_aMP project: jor_aMPflyBox
14 March 2010
00. jor_aniMateMASTERPACKv1.0 released
05 March 2010
00. BaconFries and Eddy first and final test . TNX much mates!
16 November 2009
00. started writing jor_aniMateMASTERPACK
06 Jun 2017
00. jor_aniMateMASTERPACKv3.0 b5.63 released
01. NEW : easy tools | momen. - momentum scroll fn. official released for JMPv3.0
02. ADDED : easy tools | momen. - new option - detect elements with vertical scrollbar
03. ENHANCED : easy tools | momen. - break on keyb. arrow up/down
04. ENHANCED : module | onscroll - mode animator - filter out target by class
05. ADDITIONAL : some other minor improvements
17 Jul 2016
00. jor_aniMateMASTERPACKv3.0 b5.62 released
01. FIX : module | OnLoad - CSS3 keyframe - option reset before chrome/opera fix
02. NEW : module | OnLoad - new option easing - CSS3 keyframe
03. NEW : module | onscroll - new option easing - mode enter
04. NEW : module | onscroll - new option callback while - mode enter
05. NEW : module | tubeplayer - new option start volume
06. FIX : module | reposition - target mode vs object in Layer (=WB11.2/jquery fix)
07. ADDITIONAL : other improvements - code optimize preload/tubepl./-EB5.3.2 etc
04 Oct 2015
00. jor_aniMateMASTERPACKv3.0 b5.61 - (re-release b5.6)
01. ENH/CH/FIX : important: corrected several related b5.6 design faults - keyframe/preblock/alert
02. ADDITIONAL : several optimizations for module - OnLoad (keyframe) + onscroll (enter)
20 Sep 2015
00. jor_aniMateMASTERPACKv3.0 b5.6 released
01. REMOVED : removed - easy tools | allowtransparency
02. REMOVED : removed - easy tools | wrap (+option wrap module | OnLoad)
03. REMOVED : removed - jquery.2dtransform.js - replaced by CSS3 transform section
04. REMOVED : removed - animate.css - replaced/converted by jquery.keyframes.mod
05. REMOVED : removed - module | nivo - less suitable for RWD/modern web design
06. REMOVED : removed - module | roundabout - less suitable for RWD/modern web design
07. REMOVED : removed - module | swf - less suitable for RWD/modern web design
08. NEW : module | OnLoad - new section - CSS3 keyframe section
09. NEW : module | OnLoad - new section - CSS3 transform section
10. REMOVED : module | onscroll - mode enter - removed option filter
11. REMOVED : module | onscroll - mode enter - removed option mark default
12. CHANGED : module | onscroll - mode enter - option fade in speed has become duration
13. ENHANCED : module | onscroll - mode enter - abide opacity of original object
14. FIX/ENHCD : module | onscroll - mode enter - abide visibility vs RWD - (rewrite)
15. NEW : module | onscroll - mode animator - new command - center object
16. FIX/ENHCD : module | onscroll - mode animator - abide visibility vs RWD
17. ADDITIONAL : module | onscroll - compatible w/ jor_rollovertextManipulation 1.1 (=child)
18. ADDITIONAL : module | reposition - compatible w/ jor_rollovertextManipulation 1.1 (=jorpass)
19. NEW : module | reposition - new option - callback init.
20. NEW/ENHCD : module | reposition - new internal option - escape master object
21. FIX : module | reposition - mode aspect ratio top position fix
22. ENHANCED : module | reposition - mode aspect abide RWD (=if dimension is false)
23. NEW/ENHCD : module | reposition - mode aspect allow multi input by class or string
24. NEW : module | parallax - new option - plaxify animate (duration and easing)
25. NEW/ENHCD : module | parallax - new option - plaxify RWD mode
26. NEW : module | parallax - new option - plaxify external fn. track (enable/disable/reset)
27. NEW : module | scroll - new option - filter include and exclude
28. ENHANCED : module | scroll - preblock - key/touch break
29. FIX : module | tubeplayer - mode auto fullscreen - ratio position fix
30. REMOVED : module | tubeplayer - mode custom/scale replaced by fullwidth/fullscreen object
31. NEW : module | tubeplayer - new modes - auto fullwidth + option fullscreen object mode
32. FIX/ENHCD : easy tools | prebl. - fix preblock vs RWD (breakpoint)
33. NEW : easy tools | cus.fx - new option - create custom fx CSS3 keyframe animation
34. NEW : template set - added template set option animate css + CSS3 easing
35. CHANGED : compiled w/ EB5.2.0 (=WB10+ only)
36. ADDITIONAL : redesign navigation JMPv3.0 online manual
37. ADDITIONAL : all online tutorials updated + 2 tutorials removed
38. ADDITIONAL : some other minor improvements