Use jor_fancyboxManipulation with the WB PhotoGallery or SlideShow - Try this PhotoGallery Example ...
jor_fancyboxManipulation demo
jor_fancyboxManipulation creates easy acces to the WB fancybox 1.3 lightbox addon options
it also adds many customized options - GOTO INFO
jor_fancyboxManipulation can also be used with the WB YouTube and Inlineframe components to open single target iframes
It can also be used directly with many other objects - Text/Image/Shape/RollOver/NavigationBar etc
Some Examples ...
Vincent v Gogh -TEXT EXAMPLE
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
Suspendisse hendrerit est ipsum, eget placerat felis lobortis id.
Etiam sapien nisl, euismod sed enim ut, cursus tempus nisi.
Donec convallis sit amet odio nec rhoncus.
Vincent v Gogh - Image EXAMPLE
PhotoGallery - SlideShow
Image - Text - Shape - RollOver - NavigationBar - PhotoGallery - SlideShow etc
(single target iframe)
jor_fancyboxManipulation creates easy acces to the WB fancybox 1.3 lightbox addon options it also adds many customized options
Some of it's features ...
The standard options:
01. effects (on lightbox enter/exit/change/(fade/easing))
02. settings (padding, margin, cyclic, close on- etc etc)
Customized options:
01. static navigation arrows
02. title display on hover only
03. extensive styling (remove shadow, lightbox color/transparent, title color/size/family etc etc)
04. counter display
05. autoplay (start/stop/forward-backward) + line indicator
jor_fancyboxManipulation relies on the WB fancybox 1.3 lightbox addon of janis skarnelis
jor_fancyboxManipulation can be used with many WB components
WB Gallery/SlideShow/YouTube/-Image/Rollover/Text/Shape/NavigationBar etc
jor_fancyboxManipulation 2013-2016
Extension for WYSIWYG Webbuilder
Extension and Code: jordan (6j6)

jor_fancyboxManipulation Options Used:
- Effect settings (enter/exit/change)
- Overlay color
- Ligthbox transparent
- Title font size
- Counter display
- Static Navigation Arrows
- Autoplay enabled
The WB SlideShow can be used in a similar fashion
Try these Text Links
Try this Image Link
Many other objects can be used - ie. WB RollOverText/NavigationBar/TextMenu etc